8D07105 Technological machines and equipment

8D07 Engineering, manufacturing and construction industries (Field of education)
8D071 Engineering and engineering (Direction of training)
D103 Mechanics and metalworking (Group of educational programs)

Preparation of Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) for teaching, research and innovation activities in higher education institutions, research organizations and food and processing enterprises.

Formable learning outcomes

  • possesses research skills and methods, improves and develops intellectual and analytical abilities, creates a culture of scientific thinking

  • carries out educational activities to train qualified personnel for the mechanization of production in the food and processing industries using professional knowledge and interactive teaching methods

  • demonstrates a systematic understanding of the field of study, is able to organize and conduct research activities in the field of mechanization of food and processing industries based on innovative methodologies and advanced information technologies

  • is able to organize the work of a team using new methods of organizing and managing the educational process and scientific research, critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize new and complex ideas

  • demonstrates the ability to think, develop and implement new calculation methods in the design and modernization of technological equipment, adapt the research process with a scientific approach

  • using the latest achievements of science, technology and technology of domestic and foreign practice, contributes with its own original research to expand the boundaries of the scientific field, which deserve publication at the national or international level

  • introduces innovative technologies and energy-efficient equipment at food and processing enterprises, communicates his knowledge and achievements to colleagues, the scientific community and the general public

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